
Art Thou?

Go be that starving Artist you’re afraid to be. Open up that journal and get poetic finally. Volunteer. Suck it up and travel. You were not born here to work and pay taxes. You were put here to be part of a vast organism to explore and create. Stop putting it off. The world has much more to offer than what’s on 15 televisions at TGI Fridays. Take pictures. Scare people. Shake up the scene. Be the change you want to see in the world. You’ll thank yourself for it.  
– Jason Mraz

You know, in a lot of people’s eyes, being a musician or a writer or an artist full-time is not something too respectable. But to tell you the truth, I think it’s the most respectable profession, because you’re doing what you want to do. And you’re not succumbing to the pressures of doing what you don’t want to do, just to make a living. You realize you can actually make a living by doing something that excites you. And the more you pursue what excites you, the more you’re rewarded.
– Brandon Boyd