
The meaning of50 shades

I've been actually wanting to blog about it. The very controversial and talk of the town ---

50 Shades of Grey by E. L. James Why is this book such a success? Because the book is an easy read. The publisher has a particular target market, women. And.. There is no 3rd reason why. But I was entertained, which is why people read novels. Also, I was enlightened, which is why people read books.

Anyway, let's just say that this post that I'm writing isn't exactly a book review. Alright, yeah, somehow..

I CAN RELATE TO MR. GREY!!!!! There. I said it. Pheeeew. Not because he is horny all the time. Of course not.

It just hit me a while ago how your family background could affect you as an adult, as a person, and as a partner. I'm too lazy to elaborate this shit.

The end.

Read the book: Fifty Shades of Grey Trilogy