There's one blogger I know of that also had this kind of problem but she just shut down her blog recently. Maybe I should e-mail her, she's a celebrity, that's why I'm thinking twice if I really should! :)
Anyway, please don't tell me to go to my settings. I've done that million times. I'm not stupid.
The comment link doesn't appear here:
I've been going back and forth to set/enable comment link here:
Also here:
But nothing seems to work. Arrrggh!
Like I said, I've been researching..
This one doesn't work, click here.
This one doesn't work as well, click here.
Is it this one that I'm missing?
- Blogger Comments require the use of certain template tags; If you have a template without these tags, Blogger attempts to automatically inject them into your template when you enable Comments, but there's a chance it won't work perfectly. You can check on this by comparing the default template tag code with the injected code in your template (it should be near the post byline).
I don't want to risk reverting my current template to the default one just so the comment link would appear. (Yeah, maybe if I get to have a lot of time.)
I don't care if no one really care to comment.
I just really need some professional help to fix this.
Please help!
Thanks a lot!
P.S. Or explain everything to here.