

1. If I could be someone else for a day, who would I be?
Me, only better.

2. What color is my parachute?

3. Where do I see myself five years from now?
New Horizon!

4. What one word "sums" me up?

5. Who am I?
I'm a survivor.

This WAS me 3 years ago.3/17/08

New horizon! New horizon.. New horizon? *breathes heavily

Where the hell am I now? What the hell am I doing now? Who am I now??
How am I gonna turn out 5 years from now? Would I still be here?

I was left alone when I was 14 years old. I had to cook for myself and did all the house chores for myself. I had no one to attend Parent-Teacher Meetings and no one to claim my report card during high school. I had to budget the whole expenses and pay the bills every month. I had to do what all the adults do back when I was in 2nd year high school.

Today, I'm 22. I'm turning 23 by September of this year. I'm an adult.

But today, I have less responsibilities than I used to. I don't go to school anymore. I have no full-time job. I do one thirds of the house chores. I'm in the same place I was for more than two decades.

I want to move! I want to grow.
I want to be in that new horizon!
Where there are: new responsibilities, new people, new struggles, new place, new environment, new experiences, new challenges and new lessons from life.